The 2nd CPU·Belt and Road International Conference on Cooperation and Integration of Pharmaceutical Industry, Education, Research and Application launched successfully


 On the morning of May 16, the 2nd CPU·Belt and Road International Conference on Cooperation and Integration of Pharmaceutical Industry, Education, Research, and Application was successfully hosted by China Pharmaceutical University (CPU) in Nanjing. The conference attracted expert representatives from nearly 70 universities, pharmaceutical companies, and research institutions across 33 countries, including Russia, Malaysia, Thailand, Egypt, and more. The participants gathered to discuss the integrated development of the pharmaceutical industry, education, research, and application, as well as technological innovation in Traditional Chinese Medicine and natural medicines. The conference was moderated by Prof. Kong Lingyi, Vice President of CPU.

 During the opening ceremony, Prof. Hao Haiping, President of CPU, extended sincere greetings to the leaders and guests present. He emphasized that the construction of the Health Silk Road and the formation of a community of shared health for mankind aim to ensure that every member of every family globally can enjoy quality public health services and medical security, and experience the happiness brought by health. He pointed out that addressing global public health challenges requires strengthened international cooperation, pooling global forces and resources. CPU will continue to promote the deep integration of industry, education, and research, leverage the resource advantages of countries along the Belt and Road, and integrate international talent training and technological innovation to advance the internationalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the development of global pharmaceutical enterprises.

 Prof. Dato' Seri Ir. Dr. Noor Azuan Bin Abu Osman, Vice Chancellor of Universiti Malaya, delivered a congratulatory speech via video, expressing his hope that the forum would deepen communication and cooperation among participants and jointly promote the development of the pharmaceutical field. He mentioned that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia, and he looks forward to deeper cooperation in pharmaceutical education and research, serving the Belt and Road initiative and the construction of a China-Malaysia community of shared destiny.

 During the main forum session, speeches were delivered by Prof. Hao Haiping, Ms. Fang Houqing, General Manager of Nanjing Jiangning Science Park Development Co., Ltd., Professor Haji Akber Aisa, President of Xinjiang Medical University, Prof. Dmitrii Glushko, Rector of Ogarev Mordovia State University, Russia, and Prof. Batbaatar Gunchin, Vice President of Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences.

 It is reported that this conference features three thematic forums, with detailed discussions and exchanges on Innovative Pharmacy Talent Cultivation, Modernization and Innovative Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Medicines, and Integration of Pharmacy Industry-Academia-Research-Application Development, aiming to promote global progress in pharmaceutical education and innovation in pharmaceutical research.

Remarks of the Vice Chancellor, Universiti Malaya, Professor Dato’ Seri Ir. Dr. Noor Azuan Abu Osman

Plenary Speeches

(translator: TRACY LING ZHI YU, JIN NAN)
