
Chen Yongfa,Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC

Chen Yongfa, male, Han ethnicity, born in June 1965, is a member of the CPCCPU Committee.He obtained postgraduate degree and a doctor of science.Now he is a professor and doctoral supervisor.

He has successively served as Vice Dean of School of the International Pharmaceutical Business of China Pharmaceutical University, Director of the Comprehensive Reform Office, and Director of the China Party Committee Office and Head of the United Front Work Department, Head of the Organization Department of the Party Committee and Head of the United Front Work Department. (From March 2014 to March 2016, he took a temporary post as Vice County Chief of Zhenping County, Shanxi Province.)

He is mainly engaged in research on medical policies and regulations.

In November 2019, he served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, head of the Organization Department and head of the United Front Work Department of China Pharmaceutical University.
